Unique charges PICRA in a wide range of calibers are purely a Czech product. They were developed in the last two decades by Eng. Ivo Picek.
The existing chartridges of utilizing caliber rifle, that had been shortened and modified in shape or contrarily recalibrated for greater internal volume and ammunition were also been fitted with a suitable caliber, mostly rifle, during their development.
Most of Picra charges are, despite of their rifle design and ballistic output, designed for the shooting from Picra´s pistols and revolvers for metallic silhouette shooting (11 calibers in total). Their quality evidenced a front placed shooters, using Picra ammunition during the European and World competitions.
Range of PICRA charges includes these calibers:
Pistol´s - 5,6x25, .22 Picra, .260 Picra, .260 R Picra, .30 Picra, 30x39, .300 WHISPER and .308 Picra
Revolver´s - .300 WP, .308 Picra, .460 Picra
Rifle´s - .260 WP, .360 Picra, .300 Picra Magnum